We’re delighted to announce that we’ve arranged more training sessions available for the Grass Valley Kahuna desks in the next few weeks. Our London-based training events sold out quickly – but for members further north, we now have sessions available in MediaCity, Manchester at the start of March. The sessions are delivered by a longtime Grass Valley employee and vision mixer, Ian Trill.
The cost of each session is £100, though Guild Members can use the discount code provided in the email to receive a 60% discount.
Wednesday 15th Feb, Morning (IMG):
Sold out!
Thursday 15th Feb, Afternoon (IMG):
Sold out!
Thursday 16th Feb, Morning (IMG):
Wednesday 1st March, Morning (Dock10): Sold out!
Wednesday 1st March, Afternoon (Dock10): Sold out!
Thursday 2nd March, Morning (Dock10):
Thursday 2nd March, Afternoon (Dock10): Sold out!